Print it and frame it: this article is a must-read for any email marketer, whether you’re a newbie or have been here for a while. These email marketing tips will help you steer clear of those ‘oops moments' and make you the real email marketing guru. Let’s dive in!
10: Not segmenting your audience (or not doing it enough)
If you aim to send relevant and engaging emails, it’s a mission impossible without segmentation. Fortunately, segmentation in Klaviyo is top-notch, making it the best email marketing solution for e-commerce. With Klaviyo, you can segment your audience any way you can think of, unlocking endless possibilities for engaging content. Don't overlook this opportunity and segment your audience effectively for the best email performance.
09: Paying too little attention to design
Appealing and user-friendly email design is crucial for catching your readers' eye, improving brand recognition, and even evoking emotions. Color psychology is a thing, so the way you style your emails can directly affect your conversions. But design is also about keeping it user-friendly. A common email marketing mistake is forgetting to optimize emails for mobile users, so make sure to check both mobile and desktop designs. One more thing: don’t overload your emails with graphics, as it can affect their size and deliverability. Always check your email size before hitting send.
08: Overlooking 'extra' settings
Klaviyo is a highly user-friendly tool, but it's easy to overlook some important details when setting up a new account. Avoid this common mistake and style the consent and preference pages according to your brand (find them under Settings → Other in Klaviyo). Also, don’t forget to explore Klaviyo's settings you need to adapt, including the smart sending period, conversion window, and tracking options. Every detail is important for top performance!
07: Writing spammy subject lines
You might immediately want to skip this one, thinking that you definitely don’t write anything spammy. But did you know that even an innocent exclamation mark or too many caps can put your email at risk of being clipped? Better safe than sorry, so make sure you follow those rules and reduce your spam complaint rates. More on how to avoid spam filters here.
06: Forgetting about consistency
Emails are (hopefully) part of your omnichannel strategy, and consistency in design and content is crucial for both brand recognition and trust. Maintain consistency not only across various channels but also within emails themselves. This includes not only design consistency but also a consistent tone of voice, messaging, and promises, as well as consistency in sending frequency. Sending at first only one email per month and then immediately jumping to 5 per week can trigger the spam alarm, so beware!
05: Ignoring email personalization
When you have an opportunity to boost your email engagement rates, why not seize it? Personalization is a powerful tool to draw attention to your emails, nurture your customers, and establish long-lasting relationships. By the way, email personalization is much more than simply including a first name in the subject line. Curious? Then read our article on personalization to bring your email personalization to the next level.
04: Making it difficult to unsubscribe
"If I make it easy to unsubscribe, I'll lose all my profiles," is a common mindset in emailing marketing. If you share this opinion, ask yourself two questions. Firstly, are you sending valuable enough content to prevent people from opting out? Secondly, what kind of profiles are those forced to stay subscribed? I'd say rather annoyed and terribly unengaged. Make it easy to unsubscribe (best with global unsubscribe) instead of pushing your customers to mark your emails as spam. There's no need for harsh breakups.
03: Sending too many or not enough emails
Let’s start with the first scenario: by sending too many emails you risk reducing the engagement or even annoying your recipients and provoking unsubscribes. And on top of that, you’ll receive a ton of analytics. On the other hand, by sending too few emails, you risk simply not being noticed and getting zero results.
What is the ideal email frequency? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer, but you can get the right answer for your audience by getting to know them. Use Klaviyo email warming, test frequently, ask about their preferences, and keep the bigger picture in mind to ensure your email flows don’t clash.
02: Losing track of analytics and failing to optimize
Whether you've just started or already achieved impressive results with your emails, we believe there's always room for improvement. We recommend checking reports monthly to gain a clear understanding of any changes. Based on the analytics, implement A/B testing on your emails to achieve even better results. There are endless possibilities for email optimization; simply keep an open mind and trust Klaviyo experts from an email marketing agency to maximize its potential.
01: Sending emails without permission
Email consent is essential for successful (and legal) communications. It's crucial to send emails only to those who have given their consent, and double opt-in is a great way to ensure you do it right. To Klaviyo profiles with never subscribed status, you can only send transactional emails (e.g. order confirmation email). Ignoring these rules will not only impact your deliverability and sender reputation but is also illegal. Always check regulations (GDPR in Europe) and if you’re looking for an alternative solution, check out